Category: Market Commentary

Markets in a Minute: Biden Out
Markets in a Minute: Biden Out
  Biden Out  If any of you have tuned into my recent presentations, webinars or podcast appearances, you would have heard me talk about investing...
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Money with Murphy – A Concentrated Market
Money with Murphy – A Concentrated Market
The S&P 500 continued to march higher with tech stocks leading the charge. However, nearly 80% of S&P 500 companies underperformed the index. While fixed...
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Markets in a Minute: Q2 Market Commentary and Outlook
Markets in a Minute: Q2 Market Commentary and Outlook
  Q2 Market Review and Outlook Takeaways ·         S&P 500 Continued its Strong Performance: The S&P 500 gained about 5% in the 2nd quarter and...
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Markets in a Minute: What an Aging Population Means for the Economy and Markets
Markets in a Minute: What an Aging Population Means for the Economy and Markets
  What an Aging Population Means for the Economy and Markets Investors have understandably been fixated on the trajectory of inflation, interest rates and other...
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Inflation Update: Understanding Recent Trends and Future Implications
Inflation Update: Understanding Recent Trends and Future Implications
  In this week’s Money with Murphy, Kara delves into the complexities of inflation, examining its recent trends and future implications. Two years ago, prices...
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Infrastructure: The Unsung Hero of the Global Economy
Infrastructure: The Unsung Hero of the Global Economy
What’s behind the global push to upgrade infrastructure?   Old age and economic costs: Many of the roads, railways, bridges, power plants and other critical assets...
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May Market Commentary
May Market Commentary
In May, the stock market bounced back from a challenging April, closing the month on a high note. This significantly improved from the previous month,...
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April Market Commentary
April Market Commentary
April marked a significant shift in the stock market, with each of the benchmark indexes enduring their first downturn in several months. Various factors influenced...
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Money with Murphy – Job Market Jigsaw: Putting the Pieces Together
Money with Murphy – Job Market Jigsaw: Putting the Pieces Together
Last week, we got the first evidence in months that the job market is weakening. In April, 175,000 new jobs were created. That level of...
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Markets in a Minute: The Over/Under on Housing
Markets in a Minute: The Over/Under on Housing
The Over/Under on Housing   If you’ve bought a house in the past four years, then you know how difficult it has been to navigate...
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